EV Charging Sites for Employees & Visitors and Solar Carport Installation

Turnkey solution to electrify car parks
To complement VPI’s core business of reducing emissions, they also looked at how to help employees and visitors reduce their carbon emissions.
The project electrified the car parks to provide charging solutions for employees and visitors. It also includes a solar carport at one site to generate solar energy and reduce energy consumption from the grid, alongside EV charging.

Key Facts
Solar Carport
Solar carport will generate over 35,000kwh for the next 25 years saving 8,500kg of CO2 per year
Installed Capacity
The sites have an installed capacity of 509kw and charge up to 23 cars simultaneously
Software Management
Software management system across all sites to manage power supply, charging infrastructure & solar power generation
Service & Support
Service & support for customer care, insights and resilience through rigorous proactive maintenance and reactive response if required
About VPI
A power company, VPI is a system solver for the problems that must be resolved to enable the energy transition. Part of UK’s ‘Pathway to Net Zero’.
A leading Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) operator in the UK, capable of generating 3.3GW of power, enough to power 3 million homes. The largest battery storage operator in Ireland.
Solving for decarbonisation of gas-fired dispatchable generation, and industrial clusters.
A suite of services to suit corporate and grid needs in the shift to zerocarbon storage technologies.
Speak to one of our expert advisors and find out how we can help you to begin your journey to electrification today.
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